Use "bene-beraq|bene beraq" in a sentence

1. Abbreviation of Latin nota bene

2. Latin Benevolent- (stem of benevolēns) kindhearted (bene- bene - + vol- wish (akin to will1) + -ent- - ent) late Middle English 1425–75 2

3. Bene Cull obsolete slang A good fellow

4. Ecco qui un piccolo free bene Augurale

5. BENE Environmental Technologies GmbH received the acceptance of bid for supply of this plant technology.

6. Ah, no, he's one of us—a right bene Cull! See also: bene, Cull Cull (someone or something) out of (something) To remove someone or something from a group

7. Benefactor (n.) "one who confers a benefit, a kindly helper," especially "one who endows a charitable institution," mid-15c., from Late Latin Benefactor, from Latin phrase bene facere, from bene "well" (see bene-) + facere "to do" (from PIE root *dhe-"to set, put")

8. Aggiungere delicatamente la farina e il lievito per dolci e Amalgamare bene il tutto.

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10. Bachelor Mother, back to Mother, be mother, Bebrother, Bene Gesserit mother, besmother, big brother

11. Benedictions "Bene" means "good" as in the English word benefit

12. Madre Carità, nella sua attività apostolica, seppe Amalgamare molto bene la contemplazione e l'azione.

13. Benefit (n.) late 14c., benefet, "good or noble deed; helpful or friendly action," also "a beneficial thing; advantage, profit," from Anglo-French benfet (Old French bienfait), from Latin benefactum "good deed," from bene facere, from bene "well" (see bene-) + facere "to do" (from PIE root *dhe-"to set, put")

14. Alveol commentaries of the ancients bussiness expenses advertising gift blear sasi malli leanness, thinness, wasting away of the flesh bene orasse est bene studuisse convention million role mark left by tears, mark or trail of teardrop unofficial football players utrata koketovat idle coarsen, become rough; behave violently, difficult to travel

15. A Benediction (Latin: bene, well + dicere, to speak) is a short invocation for divine help, blessing and guidance, usually at the end of worship service

16. Mid-15c., "wishing to do good, well-disposed, kindly," from Old French benivolent and directly from Latin Benevolentem (nominative benevolens) "wishing (someone) well, benevolent," related to benevolentia "good feeling," from bene "well" (see bene-) + volentem (nominative volens) present participle of velle "to wish" (see will (v.)).

17. Mid-15c., "wishing to do good, well-disposed, kindly," from Old French benivolent and directly from Latin Benevolentem (nominative benevolens) "wishing (someone) well, benevolent," related to benevolentia "good feeling," from bene "well" (see bene-) + volentem (nominative volens) present participle of velle "to wish" (see will (v.)).

18. Benevolent mid-15c., "wishing to do good, well-disposed, kindly," from Old French benivolent and directly from Latin Benevolentem (nominative benevolens) "wishing (someone) well, Benevolent," related to Benevolentia "good feeling," from bene "well" (see bene-) + volentem (nominative volens) present participle of velle "to wish" (see will (v

19. In Benediction, the bene root is joined by another Latin root, dictio, "speaking", so the word's meaning becomes something like "well-wishing"

20. The word "Benediction" derives from two Latin words - "bene" (meaning "well") and "dicere", which means "to speak"

21. The serum Ascites albumin gradient (SAAG) can determine which patients with liver disease have portal hypertension. A cutoff level of 1.1 has bene validated to determine who has portal …

22. RES PUBLICA - Renzi sulle commissioni alla Camera Blandisce sinistra Pd Btp partono bene e poi virano in calo su volumi scarsi, asta Portogallo US envoy's attacker charged with pro-N

23. RES PUBLICA - Renzi sulle commissioni alla Camera Blandisce sinistra Pd; Btp partono bene e poi virano in calo su volumi scarsi, asta Portogallo; US envoy's attacker charged with pro-N

24. Il poema mira innanzitutto ad una critica nei confronti della nobiltà settecentesca italiana, ambiente che lo stesso Parini aveva frequentato come precettore di famiglie Aristocratiche, e che quindi conosceva molto bene

25. 1300, "a church living, church office endowed with a revenue," from Old French Benefice (13c.) and directly from Latin beneficium "a favor, service, generosity, kindness, benefit," from beneficus "generous, kind, benevolent, obliging," from bene-"good, well" (see bene-) + -ficium "a doing," from -ficere, combining form of facere "to do, to make" (from PIE root *dhe-"to set, put").

26. Benevolent comes from the Latin bene, "well," and volent, from a verb meaning "to wish." A Benevolent society is a charity group organized to serve a community through …

27. Mid-15c., "helpful, advantageous, conferring benefit," from Old French bénéficial and directly from Latin Beneficialis "pertaining to a favor," from beneficium "a favor, service, kindness," from beneficus "generous, kind, benevolent, obliging," from bene- "good, well" (see bene-) + -ficus "making, doing," from -ficere, combining form of facere "to do, to make" (from PIE root *dhe- "to set, put").

28. Mid-15c., "helpful, advantageous, conferring benefit," from Old French bénéficial and directly from Latin Beneficialis "pertaining to a favor," from beneficium "a favor, service, kindness," from beneficus "generous, kind, benevolent, obliging," from bene- "good, well" (see bene-) + -ficus "making, doing," from -ficere, combining form of facere "to do, to make" (from PIE root *dhe- "to set, put").

29. Anacreontically assoon autochthonously awluz a bene placito absofuckinglutely ad verbum affirmingly agane atrophically aboord alluvially appliedly at first bluff a bit a-hold adenoidally amidmost anionically accel accumulatively ad verecundiam ahold alongst anteroposteriorly autotrophically abaft al's antrorsely

30. Interea Phoenix et cum eo Patroclus circumstantes genas atque omnem vultum iuvenis, manus Adosculari, contingere genua, rediret in gratiam atque animos remitteret cum propter praesentes, qui eum oratum venissent, tum praecipue ob bene de se meritum reliquum exercitum.

31. Interea Phoenix, et cum eo Patroclus circumstantes, genas atque omnem vultum juvenis Adosculari, manu contingere genua, rediret in gratiam, atque animas remitteret, cum propter praesentes, qui eum oratum venissent, tum praecipue ob bene de se meritum reliquum exercitum

32. Il suo punto di forza è il rapporto qualità/prezzo con 50 euro non solo porti a casa un buon mulinello fatto bene ma che puo Competere con mulinelli di fascia superiore a 100 euro a salire

33. Apoplexiam, paralysim, ex repletione Convulsionem, tremorem nervorum, membrorum stuporem, resolutionem, contractionem, articulos laxatos ob nimiam humiditatem vicinorum ligamentorum atque tendonum, articulos tensos ob nimium frigus, artuum dolores ob luxationem non bene curatam, oculorum fistulas, surditatem, aurium sonitum atque tinnitum,

34. Benison and its synonym "benediction" share more than a common meaning; the two words come from the same root, the Latin benedicere, meaning "to bless." ("Benedicere" comes from the Latin bene dicere - "to speak well of" - a combination of the Latin …

35. Someone who is "Benevolent" genuinely wishes other people well, which is not surprising if you know the word's history. "Benevolent" can be traced back to Latin bene, meaning "good," and velle, meaning "to wish."

36. Bq: Biquad: Bq: Bank Qualified (municipal bond tax classification) Bq: Boys' Quarters: Bq: Basically Qualified: Bq: Basic Qualification: Bq: Boston Qualify (Boston Marathon; Massachusetts) Bq: Browser Quest (online game) Bq: Branch Qualification: Bq: Battle Quest (gaming league) Bq: Biographical Questionnaire: Bq: Bene Quiescat (Latin: May He

37. Arterie Lyrics: MOKA / E io manco lo so / Di che colore è il sangue che esce dalle vene / C'è sempre un "ma" ed un "però" / Quando piangi sto bene, poi dopo si rovina sempre / E io già te l'ho

38. Antilogy - One Cup Of Coffee/Judge Not (Sublime - Bob Marley Cover) Ed eccoci! Anche in questo periodo del cazzo, non vi libererete mai di noi! A voi, la nostra cover di un medley di cover di Bob Marley fatto dai Sublime e rifatta da noi (tranquilli, nemmeno noi l’abbiamo capito bene)!

39. I gather not this opinion out of these wordes of Saxo (as some men do) that Island hath bene inhabited from the beginning or (to speake in one word) that the people of Island were Autochthones, that is, earth-bred, or bred out of their owne soile like vnto trees and herbs: sithens

40. (Questio 3) : Utrum noscere quid sit genus sit necessarium ad Assignationem diffinitionum (Questio 4) : Utrum universale sit in intellectu (Questio 5) : Utrum genus sit equivocum (Questio 6) : Utrum genus sit cui supponitur species, et hoc est querere utrum ilia diffinitio generis sit bene data (Questio 7) : Utrum genus sit principium suarum

41. Ego quoque, ut aliquando tandem ad me veniam, iampridem id dabam operam ut me cognoscerem, cumque tantis Affluentem me bonis, tantaque utentem felicitate intellgerem, nullamque in me cur huiusmodi me fortunis dignarer causam reperirem, eram in magna quidem felicitate vehementer anxius, illaque Philippi Macedonis bene humana sententia veniebat in mentem.

42. Buongiorno tantissima freschezza è qui ad Attenderti !! Tantissimo pesce dei nostri mari Alimentati bene!!mangia pesce fresco ricco di vitamine è omega 3 Per ordini o consegne 🚚 a domicilio chiama pure ☎️ 0️⃣ 3️⃣ 9️⃣ / 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 3️⃣ 3️⃣ 5️⃣ 8️⃣ Buon pesce a tutti 🐳 🐳 🐳 🐳 See More

43. Traditional meaning of Accusator post rationabile tempus non est audiendus, nisi se bene de omissione excusaverit in English (with some legal use of this latin concept in England and the United States in the XIX Century) : (in Latin) An accuser should not be heard after a reasonable time, unless he has satisfactorily explained his delay.

44. Assessed adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (estimated for taxes) (bene materiale) stimato, valutato, periziato agg aggettivo: Descrive o specifica un sostantivo: "Una persona fidata" - "Con un cacciavite piccolo" - "Questioni controverse"

45. The second day ther came in a Palmer bearing an Infant with bloody hands, whose Parents he complained to haue bene slayne by an Enchauntresse called Acrasia: and therfore Craued of the Faery Queene, to appoint him some knight, to performe that aduenture, which being assigned to Sir Guyon, he presently went forth with that same Palmer: which is